Ken and the turkeys heading to the showers |
Well, we finally got some pictures of the turkeys! Ken found them wandering around the RV again one morning and took some pictures of them before they ran off into the woods again. And then, another morning, I got some pictures of them strolling across the camp road and into the brush. They're just ridiculous.
Running turkeys! |
Historic Rock Castle |
We visited
Historic Rock Castle in Hendersonville, TN, and tried to visit several other historic sites with varying degrees of disappointment. Historic Fort Bledsoe Lick Park was very poorly cared for and offered almost no information on its history or significance.
Wynnewood, a huge log structure, was completely closed for tornado damage repair. And
Cragfont (a huge, very old home) seemed a great place to tour but we couldn't find anyone on duty there in the middle of the day and the house was locked. Grr. Regardless, we enjoyed touring Rock Castle and hiking in
Bledsoe Creek State Park, looking for turkeys. (Just turkeys?! No looking for deer or anything else, just turkeys? Yes, just turkeys.) We did happen to see a couple of small lizards, dozens of snapping turtles, and lots of fishies and birds. We even watched a heron catch and eat a squirming fish. Yum.
TN Capitol Building |
On Thursday, we toured downtown Nashville, took in the capitol building and the surrounding grounds, and then wandered a few blocks away for some lunch and chocolate covered peanuts.
Jocelyn and Joe Reese |
Then, on Friday, we began the Jocelyn and Joe wedding circuit. The rehearsal lunch was held at a nice restaurant in Gallatin,
Grecian's, where we met Joe's family and friends from Kansas City, Missouri. Then we attended the rehearsal at
Spring Haven (another very large, very old home). The next day, the wedding fun began. Jocelyn and Joe were married on the front steps of the house and the reception was held in the back right afterwards. Fun was had by all. What a beautiful couple they are!

On Sunday, Shauna hosted a lovely brunch party at a little restaurant in downtown Nashville,
417 Union (where Ken and I coincidentally ate lunch a few days earlier on the recommendation of a complete stranger). Afterwards, Ken and I walked a few blocks away and took in the sights around the downtown.

Lastly, of course, we roasted lots of marshmallows...almost every evening, in fact. YUM!
On Monday, we headed to Memphis where we stayed at the nice T.O. Fuller State Park, nestled in a rather nasty section of the city. In fact, as we've driven around to Beale Street, near Graceland and such, we've only found rather nasty sections of town. On Tuesday, we drove to Tunica, Mississippi, a large expanse of extremely flat farmland interrupted only occasionally by giant casinos. As we've found nothing worthy of taking a picture, we're looking forward to moving on from here today. At least we came out a little ahead at the casinos.
dude! your bangs look cute dude!