Monday, March 5, 2012

Greensboro, NC and Rookie Mistake #5

The Evil Twin and I
After a nice Thanksgiving and Christmas at home with family and friends, but a rough start to the new year, we hurriedly packed and left (more on the issues that resulted later...grrr.). We arrived happy but chilly in Greensboro to spend the first weekend of March with Janine and Joel.

Joel's brother, Johnny, also came into town from Oregon to work on recording a song with Joel (about Batman!!!), so we remaining three were banished from the house for most of the weekend. We scoured some thrift stores, ate waaaay too much (including cannolis, of course) and took the dogs to the park during the drum session at the house. We had a fun time hanging with our peeps.

Joel and Johnny "making music"
We left The Ed with Janine and Joel for our trip...and a big thank you to the two of them. (Sadly, our sweet and itchy and very old Charlie Wiggles is no more.)
Charlie Wiggles! We already miss you, pup.

On Monday we drove to Fair Play, South Carolina, right on the Georgia border. It would appear after driving through South Carolina that this state is simply a front for the large scale trafficking of peaches and fireworks and precious little else. There are rumors that pecans also grow here, but at press time, none could be found.

The Ed!
We camped virtually alone at a lovely campground in Lake Hartwell State Park. The lake is quite a few feet low so all the docks around the shoreline are perched awkwardly well above the water on the red clay mud banks.

Back to the issues that inevitably result from quickly packing the RV in the bitter cold wind....

Rookie Mistake #5: When packing for a trip, be SURE to pack the essentials (like underwear, a medium-sized cooking pot and the drinking water hoses), as those purchases will be required the first night out of the gate, and it would be unfortunate to have to re-buy what you already own. Jus' sayin'.

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