Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Roswell Incident....they're baaaack

On Thursday, we reluctantly left the Santa Fe Skies RV Park (one of the best parks we've been to), and drove through the flat ranchlands of central New Mexico. Our path of over 200 miles led us through some itty, bitty towns, like Ramone (only one abandoned building with a couple of outbuildings nearby) and Mesa (a single abandoned gas station). We also passed through one slightly larger town, Encina, with two gas stations but no grocery store we could see. We wondered where people shop for anything other than beef jerky and Schlitz. Hmmm.

In any case, we arrived in Roswell and set up camp at Bottomless Lakes State Park, a nice campground a loooong way from anything. There are several “bottomless” lakes here which are actually collapsed caves, or sinkholes, that are filled with water. The one closest to the campground is not a particularly large lake by surface area, but is actually 90 feet deep and over 2.5 million gallons of water flow through it everyday. Scuba diving is taught here during the summer and lots of swimmers take advantage of the clear water as well.

We drove back into Roswell, stopping first at the visitor center for a boatload of information about the town and its attractions, as well as stuff to see farther south. The visitor center guide was extremely informative and gave us a bunch of brochures which she tucked into a bag labeled ominously, “Evidence”. Everything in Roswell is alien related. The town’s tagline is: Roswell…Visitors Welcome.  Ha!

We started with the International UFO Museum and Research Center in the middle of town. For a nominal entrance fee and several hours of our time, we read and saw a mountain of evidence about the 1947 Roswell Incident and countless other events, including crop circles, alien abductions, and the historical records of alien landings by numerous civilizations going back hundreds of years. We saw a wall of pictures of flying saucers and the logical explanations of some of those pictures as hubcaps, buttons, hats, and other common items. It was a fun museum and we totally enjoyed reading all about the evidence collected, cover up stories concocted and enduring mysteries surrounding the Roswell Incident, but the written testimony of one after another after another person involved in some way with the initial discovery of the crashed UFO, cleanup of the crash site, transportation of the alien bodies, or anything else related, was really interesting. We’re convinced it actually happened.

After the museum, we stopped at Pepper’s CafĂ© for happy hour drinks and appetizers, and then stayed for a yummy dinner, too. Next, we drove around town taking pictures of aliens in different places here and there. We found one at the KFC, another at the Arby's inviting aliens, another on a cellphone with his spaceship at a hotel, and still another standing on a corner next to a UFO shop. There are little green men advertising loans, selling fireworks, playing a guitar on the side of a Mexican restaurant, and smiling from in front of a furniture store. The town’s ordinary streetlights even have alien eyes painted on them! How silly!

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