Sunday, August 26, 2012

The 'Rents Are Here! The 'Rents Are Here!

The 'Rents are here, the 'Rents are here!
On Tuesday, August 21st, we folded up camp and headed to Bozeman. We checked into the Bear Canyon Campground on the east side of town, up on a small rise. Immediately impressed with the nice view of the farmland to the south and the inviting pool just behind the office. Yummy.

At Famous Dave's...of course
We sped over to meet the parents arriving from Virginia at the Hampton Inn, but first Dad drove past the entrance to the hotel. Nice. We had to give him a little grief for that before heading to lunch at...of course, Famous Dave's, Dad's favorite restaurant conveniently located near the hotel. Since they had only eaten at Dave's in Virginia twice this week already, it seemed high time to add a third visit. We chatted and caught up over barbecue and salads, and then, of course, bread pudding. Naturally.

Tuesday Farmers Market,
Bozeman, Montana
After lunch we drove around downtown Bozeman and looked for the Tuesday evening Farmers Market Ken and I learned of while in Helena. The market offers a wide selection of vegetables, organic produce, locally baked breads, handmade jewelry and crafts, as well as various gourmet cooked foods. We strolled through the market and picked up and petted many of the lovely items for sale before leaving with some nice veggies and fresh breads. Yum.

Hyalite Reservoir
We found the Montana Ale Works for dinner, a loud but enjoyable place offering fine dining, pool tables and a long bar. After a small dinner and much chatting, we parted company and turned into pumpkins.

On Wednesday, we drove to Hyalite Canyon, another local spot recommended to us while we toured the capitol in Helena with a friendly Bozeman couple. The canyon slices through the Gallatin National Forest, cut by the lovely Hyalite River. We headed into the park and found the Hyalite Reservoir, a picturesque man-made lake with a cirque at the far end beneath the 10,000 foot mountains.

A bit deeper into the park we found a short steep trail to the Palisade Falls. Ken, Dad and I hiked up the path and found the pretty falls cascading from a vertical wall of rock way above us. Dad cheated and shortcut his way back to the car. Nice.

With our feet now tired and hot, we longed for a spot to toe-dip, which we found just off the road down a small rocky path to the cold water of the river. Ken, Dad and I dipped our toes in and cooled off.

A bit later we discovered another toe-dipping spot with a smoother approach where Mom, Dad and I repeated the fun.

Back in the car, we returned to Bozeman and lunched at It's Greek To Me, a small cafe with tasty gyros. After lunch, the thrift stores were calling, so we obliged them. Purchases in hand, we headed back to the RV for Ken's tasty seafood marinara dinner.

And then the madness began. We changed into our swimsuits and walked to the campground's heated outdoor pool. In short order, a lively battle ensued. With Ken and Dad pitted against Mom and me, we hurled the 2 water-soaked sponge balls left by the afternoon's poolgoers at one another for a couple of hours. We laughed and dodged the water bombs lobbed this way and that. Mom and I handily won. It was pure hilarity. No one else dared enter the pool area with all the inanity we four created. What fun!

We ended the night with happy hour and an agreement to meet early for our first foray into Yellowstone the next morning.

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