Saturday, July 30, 2011

Buffalo, NY via Niagara Falls!

Wow! We got all the way to Niagara Falls on Friday, had great weather to see the falls and even took the dogs down to the lookout point. The dogs didn't seem particularly interested in the falls, but The Ed, as usual, stopped to beg from anyone appearing to eat anything. Nice.

The falls were spectacular! And the sun was shining brightly, so picture-taking was...superb. The last time I was at Niagara Falls was a long, long time ago and it was raining. This is Ken's third trip to the falls, the first time in 1952, the second in 1986 and now. He says it has gotten better (though more commercialized) each time.

Nonetheless, the crowds were small and the views amazing. We're looking forward to coming back some other time, perhaps without the dogs so we can stay longer, ride the Maid of the Mist and see the Cave of the Winds.

See The Ed in the window? He's standing on the table!! Grr.
Once we left the falls, we drove a little ways south of Buffalo along the Niagara River (so pretty!) to visit our friends in North Collins, a tiny rural town. Rose, David and Roz took us to Uncle Frank's, a local bar known for their Friday night fish fry (yummy!) and friendly neighbors. We chatted non-stop and had a great time! They made us a fabulous breakfast Saturday morning and we swore we would never leave. (Easily the best B&B we've been to in recent memory.) We got on the road later and drove to Herkimer (what?), NY, where we're roughing it in a WalMart parking lot. What a comedown from last night's digs.

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