Friday, August 19, 2011

Quechee Gorge, VT, then Plymouth, MA and Woods Hole, MA

Quechee Gorge
On Sunday (the 14th), we packed up quickly in anticipation of rain, though thankfully, it only drizzled occasionally throughout the day. We headed to Woodstock, Vermont, about 60 or so miles north of Newfane, to meet our friends, Mary and Richard. Along the way, we saw breath-taking views of the Green Mountains on both sides of I-91, but when we passed through Quechee Gorge, we knew we needed to come back to see more.

Quechee Gorge
After lunch with M&R and son, Adam, we trekked around the gorge, taking in the sights from the former railroad bridge (now the US-4 bridge) and then from below. We hiked to the Dam Overlook and, well, frankly, it looks like a little dam. Nothing spectacular. So we hiked to the Gorge Bottom, and there we saw the bridge high above and much farther upstream...such pretty sights all around. (The gorge was formed from a giant glacial ice sheet melting around 13,000 years ago. Cool!) The hike back up to the road was a half mile back up a pretty steep incline (that kind of exercise should suffice for a while, right?).

On Sunday night, we boondocked at the Walmart in Lebanon, New Hampshire, only a short jaunt from Woodstock. (Yes, we remember what happened at the last Walmart. We're gluttons for some loud, crappy karaoke by drunk teenagers...well...not really.)

Plymouth, MA
On Monday, in the now pouring rain, we met Mary and Richard and kiddos at the Cabot Creamery Annex Store, where we gorged on cheese and maple syrup samples. We drove to the King Arthur Flour store expecting a tour and, alas, only found an overpriced store peddling bakeware and assorted flours. Kind of a disappointment. Perhaps they should put in a tour of how their flour is made...just sayin'. We parted ways with our friends and headed south but could not shake the rain.

Plymouth, MA
It rained into Tuesday as well until we arrived in Waltham, MA, just northwest of Boston, to visit Ken's nephew, Greg, his wife, Tara and their two adorable kids, Jake and Drew. We had a great time chatting and playing and eating, until we left on Thursday for Cape Cod.

First we landed (so to speak) at Plymouth the pilgrims did in 1620. Unfortunately the rest of Plymouth looks like every other beach town in every other ocean-facing state...lots of tchotchkes and salt water taffy shops. This beach town just happens to also have almost 400 years of history as well.

Woods Hole, MA

We couldn't stay long, what with our pressing schedule, so we departed to Woods Hole, MA, a bit farther south and right across the sound from Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket. Woods Hole is a cute little town where lots of oceanographic research is done...and worms are studied by my cousin twice a year. :)

We watched a regatta with several little sailboats and then had a fantastic dinner at the Fishmonger Cafe. Later we retreated to our RV at the Walmart in Falmouth.

Regatta at Woods Hole, MA
On Friday we began our trek toward New York, stopping to have the RV serviced for several hours in Connecticut before we finish off the trip at midnight.

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