Sunday, August 14, 2011

Southern Vermont...the Green Mountains

West River near Newfane, VT

Waterfall near Townshend, VT
On Tuesday night, we stayed at a Walmart near Concord, NH, and were serenaded by several blaring car stereos playing rap music for most of the night. Awesome. On Wednesday, we headed to the quiet, beautiful area of southern Vermont, specifically the tiny town of Newfane. We landed at a very nice place, Kenolie Village Campground, but not before the GPS led us up a steep gravel street deadending in a gravel pit. Nice. Nonetheless, we made it to the campground (pronounced, appropriately 'cannoli') and set up. It is nestled in the Green Mountains with the West River just across the picturesque, and the folks that run this campground are especially nice! 
From inside Scott Bridge

West River near Newfane, VT
On Wednesday evening, we drove around Townshend (just north of Newfane) and found a little waterfall on the side of the road. Then we found Scott Bridge, the longest wooden span covered bridge in Vermont. It's 277 feet long and was built in 1870. Next we headed to a local shop, Dutton's Farm Stand, and picked up some treats...specifically a Maple Creemee (a soft-serve maple ice cream cone...yum!!!), a couple of giant homemade cookies and some local fruits and veggies. After dinner, we roasted some giant marshmallows...yum yum!

On Thursday, we checked out the Townshend Dam Lake, just north of the little town of Townshend. We played at the beach, got a little sun and watched a couple of kayakers paddling around the lake. In the afternoon, Townshend had a farmer's market on the town square, so we bought some local veggies and some dinner there. We also walked around a little cemetery there. We returned to the campsite in the afternoon and...roasted some more marshmallows, and then headed out to dip our toesies in the West River.
Townshend Dam Lake

On Friday, we took the day off. We just hung around the RV and vegged. We were totally useless. Sweet.

On Saturday, we headed north to Weston, VT, where the Vermont Country Store and Weston Village Store are located. We sampled (cheeses, dips, mustards, meats, crackers, cookies) our way through the Vermont Country Store, then went to the Weston Village Store for lunch. We also managed to take in the Weston Museums, which consist of the Old Mill Museum and the Farrar-Mansur House. We were given a personal tour of the house by the curator's husband and he told us all about each of the rooms. The Farrars raise 13 children in the little house built in 1795 by Captain Oliver Farrar. It was a fascinating tour.
Old Mill Museum, Weston, VT

Weston, Vermont
After Weston, we drove south to Newfane, where the town was hosting a History Fair on the town square. We walked around and took in the historic buildings around the square and visited the Newfane Historical Society museum.

And, of course, we picked up another Maple Creemee at Dutton's...yum!

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